Friday, February 22, 2013

An Overview of Internet Misuse

 As use of the internet is becoming more common in the workplace, businesses are growing more concerned about the prevalence of internet misuse and abuse.  Still a broad and not entirely defined issue, internet misuse is clearly costing firms a loss in productivity and creates many and various problems.  The scope of internet misuse is wide, including; internet addiction, cybersexual internet abuse, social abuse, online information abuse, criminal Internet abuse, and other miscellaneous misuses.  Difficult to identify, prevent, and correct, internet misuse is a growing topic of debate for businesses.
(Griffiths, M. (2003), Internet abuse in the workplace: Issues and concerns for employers and employment counselors. Jnl of Employment Counseling, 40: 87–96.) article

Some of the topics we will discuss in this blog will be:
  • Time Wasting and Productivity
  • Legal and Financial implications
  • Social Media Misuse
  • Criminal Internet abuse
  • Prevention and Controlling


  1. I agree in saying there is misuse of internet in the work place. As we have discussed in class, I feel like there is a very thin line of where companies can cross contoling emplyee use. I think a great start would be signing some kind of contract for new employees hired that explains what is expected of them. I know personally with smart phones being popular internet is a huge issue at my place of business. I work at Jason's Deli and we have several employees that are on their phone surfing the web when a customer walks up. It looks horrible!

    Laura Mayhew

    1. I feel the same way. I work at a nail salon in South Park and with that being said professionalism is a must. However I have coworkers that does the same thing, picks up phone calls while performing service, surfing the web when bored, playing games, and even talking in different languages in front of customers!!! As an employee, I wish that management would step in and do something but to a certain extent of course. -Jackie Som

    2. Agree. It can end up making customers feel uncomfortable and not want to come back.

      Laura Mayhew

  2. People get distracted at work no matter what. If its not the internet then its going to get some snacks or drinks out of the break room,smoke breaks,walking around the office to stretch your legs, bathroom breaks etc. Now with smart phones you can go sit in the break room and play a game, chat with friends, check your Facebook. So many things go on in a persons life, distraction will always be there. It is up to the employee and the employer how much is enough. If the employer feels to much time is being spent online unproductively, then they need to set up firewalls and block the websites.

    1. This is the issue we are tryig to tackle in our blog. There are already so many distractions, is the added distraction of the Internet always being on hand making it extremely cost inefficient for businesses. Are employees overpaid? Overworked? Is there a better system to get work done? How can companies control wasted time, cut costs, and make the business run more efficiently. There is a lot of work being done on this issue, and we try to cover many of the important topics involved.
