Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Social Media Misuse in the Workplace:

Social Media has surrounded and shaped our way of doing anything these days. Many people feel that without it they are hopeless. They have turned social media into a daily routine and now they are taking it into their workplace.

But there are not only risk of wasting time on social media in the workplace, there are also various cases of employees terminated for posting rude and inappropriate posts to their Facebook's and Twitter's about their employers.

On the other hand there are positive outcomes to having Social Media in the workplace because your employees are making and maintaing connections with people all around the world which could be good for networking strategies.

According to the Conference Agenda, as social networking takes over every employer and business owner is going to have to find a way to control data and social media by showing in this session:

  • how to develop and implement internet and social media policies
  • strategies and punishments for time theft, during or after work hours
  • lesson on how to terminate and when to evaluate performance

Here is a video to show how social networking dangers in the workplace:


  • http://www.staffmonitoring.com/P32/abuse.htm


  1. I believe social networking is having a negative effect on the work force. I thought it was interesting that in the video it mentioned that a worker had posted pictures of their patients on their blog and also used profanity in their blog. I feel that is definitely a wrongful act on the worker. I also thought it was true that when Dr. Eaton said that if you are going to post these rude things about your employer you should not be working there. I know that the retail company I work for we have to sign an agreement saying that we will not post ANYTHING work related on our Facebook, Blog, Twitter, etc. Even if it is saying what the promotion we are holding that weekend. I think this is a good step to take because it is not our place to talk about anything at work.

  2. At my work place we have a "policy" of "freedom and responsibility." Basically it means, we can do whatever we want, but we have to remember we do have a job to complete. We were just in a meeting the other day and the CEO touched on this. Someone asked him the question, "Do you worry about productivity in the work place during March madness?" He said, "No, if you want to watch a game at noon, then watch a game at noon. That's why we have so many monitors." Earlier that day he went to his daughters performance at school. Our CEO firmly believes in taking a break or a refresher while at work. It creates a positive atmosphere. I haven't heard of anyone bashing our work place because we love our workplace, partly due to this laid back work environment. However, if you someone does post something negative about their employer, that's silly and you're just asking for it!
    Heather Roberson

  3. Honestly, I do not feel it is appropriate to post negative comments about your job on social media. To be quiet frank, I think it is just stupid to post it. You may be hurting someone's feelings, you may have misinterpreted a situation, and now you have posted it all over social media. I feel someone who does this will regret posting it, and should just keep in mind the repercussions of such behavior. These post never go away, and will come back to haunt you. I feel the same with inappropriate pictures being posted, and a potential employer may get the wrong impression by seeing certain pictures. Why would anyone want to potentially lose a job over such ignorant behavior?
